emerald color


Emerald is a color that is a shade of green. It is light and bright, with a faint bluish cast. The name comes from the color of emerald. The first written use of emerald as a color name in English was in 1598. Emerald are highly transparent color . This color is evenly distributed, with no eye-visible color zoning.

By Carol Besler. Emerald is one of the most storied gemstones in history. For 6,000 years, it has been cherished for its gorgeous green glow, and the lore is endless. The ancient Egyptians believed it represented fertility and rebirth.

Learn how emerald colours vary depending on where they are mined, from Colombia to Australia. Discover the unique features, characteristics and values of different emeralds, such as their hue, clarity and inclusions.

Learn how emeralds are valued for their vibrant green colors, hue, tone, saturation, opacity and treatment. Find out how emeralds from different sources can have different tints and characteristics.

"Color is a way to express your personality and make a room your own," says says Kerrie Kelly, ... "I'm particularly sick of emerald green accent walls," says Avery Cox of Avery Cox Design ...

Learn about emerald, the green to bluish green variety of beryl, and its history, quality factors, and meaning as the May birthstone. See photos, videos, and compare emerald with other green beryls.

Emeralds occur in hues ranging from yellow-green to blue-green, with the primary hue necessarily being green. Yellow and blue are the normal secondary hues found in emeralds. Only gems that are medium to dark in tone are considered emeralds; light-toned gems are known instead by the species name green beryl.

Color: Emeralds are known for their rich green color, which can range from a pale, almost translucent green to a deep forest green. The most valuable emeralds are those with a strong, vivid green color and few inclusions. Clarity: Like other gemstones, emeralds can have inclusions or imperfections within the stone.

The emeralds that most people seek out to purchase are a bluish-green color to a lush, pure green with vivid color saturation and a tone that is not too dark. The ones that are most in-demand include emeralds that are very transparent with color evenly distributed throughout the gem and no color zoning.

To be called an emerald, a beryl gem must be primarily green, and possess a certain intensity of color. The most desirable stones fall in the bluish-green to pure green hue range, though yellowish-green stones are also valuable. Light green color gems are called green beryl, not emerald.

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